Safeguarding Policy
Policy Statement
Yorkshire Training Partnerships (YTP) takes its responsibilities for safeguarding extremely seriously and believes that it is never acceptable for a child, young person, vulnerable adult, or any member of society to experience abuse of any kind.
This policy applies to all Partners, employees, self-employed contractors, volunteers, members of the board, and all other third parties who, through their involvement with the Partnership work with children, young people, or vulnerable adults. It is laid out to run alongside the key documents and related legislation.
Related Legislation
• Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018)
• Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021)
• Care Act (2014)
• Education Act (2002)
• The Teachers’ Standards (2013)
• Counterterrorism and Security Act 2015 (the CTSA 2015)
• Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults Act (2005)
• Protection of Vulnerable Adults Groups Act (2006)
Six key principles underpin all adult safeguarding work (Care Act 2014)
Empowerment – People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent. “I am asked what I want as the outcomes from the safeguarding process, and these directly inform what happens.”
Prevention – It is better to act before harm occurs. “I receive clear and simple information about what abuse is, how to recognise the signs and what I can do to seek help.”
Proportionality – The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented. “I am sure that the professionals will work in my interest, as I know them, and they will only get involved as much as needed.”
Protection – Support and representation for those in greatest need. “I get help and support to report abuse and neglect. I get help so that I can take part in the safeguarding process to the extent to which I want.”
Partnership – Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting, and reporting neglect and abuse. “I know that staff treats any personal and sensitive information in confidence, only sharing what is helpful and necessary. I am confident that professionals will work together and with me to get the best result for me.”
Accountability – Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding. “I understand the role of everyone involved in my life, and so do they.”
The purpose of adult safeguarding is to prevent harm and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect to adults with care and support needs. The statutory framework introduced under the Care Act applies to any person aged 18 or above who:
Has needs for care and support (regardless of the level of need and whether the local authority is meeting any of those needs).
Is experiencing, or is at risk of abuse or neglect; and
As a result of those needs, is unable to protect themselves against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.
Yorkshire Training Partnership promotes a “culture of vigilance” with all our stakeholders and the communities that we engage with. We all have a shared responsibility to identify children and young people who may need extra help or who are suffering, or are likely to suffer, significant harm.
We aim to embed a culture of safeguarding across the Partnership by communicating practical guidelines to support this policy, reinforced by training for all partners, employees, self-employed contractors, volunteers, and directors to ensure our approach is robust and reflects best practice standards. Everyone should aim to ensure the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults first, checking your approach with one of our local safeguarding officers if you are unsure how to handle a safeguarding issue.
YTP recognises:
The welfare of any child, young person, or vulnerable adult is paramount and to ensure that all feel safe.
YTP will take all suspicions and allegations of abuse and/or poor practice seriously and will respond to them swiftly and appropriately.
Where there is a possibility of abuse or neglect by a person or persons, everyone has a responsibility to report their concerns to the appropriate person.
It is not the responsibility of anyone working/volunteering at the Partnership to decide whether abuse has taken place; it is their duty to act on any concerns by reporting them to the appropriate person.
We will support people who report their concerns about abuse in good faith and will investigate their concerns, referring to the appropriate people where necessary.
We will take all actions within our power to enable any child, young person, or vulnerable adult to have the best outcomes.
We recognise that safeguarding is not just about protecting any child, young person, or vulnerable adult from deliberate harm and neglect, but also about broader aspects of care and education such as well-being (including mental health), first aid, special educational needs, and/or disabilities, educational visits, and online safety.
Safeguarding Contact Information for YTP
Safeguarding Lead
Rebecca Lynn Tel: 07523 915666/ 01709 871872
Safeguarding Deputy
Martin Fitzgibbon Tel: 07523 915663 / 01709 871872
Please note if a crime has been committed or an issue need dealing with urgently you should contact the police. In an emergency dial 999 (non-emergency dial 101)
Please ensure the Safeguarding lead is informed of any referrals.
Mandatory Procedures
Safer Recruitment
The recruitment individuals will undertake safer recruitment training, and this shall be done every five years to meet legal requirements.
All new staff whether employed or voluntary are to undertake a safer recruitment process, and this will involve:
Robust interview process compiling of two stages, Telephone, and in-person.
References will be obtained a minimum of 2.
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) – enhanced.
Certificates for the position will be required (originals to be seen)
A probation period will be implemented with monthly monitoring.
Training and full induction.
All essential checks will be stored on a secure system confidentially in line with The General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
Training and Support
Training on Safeguarding and online safety will be delivered for all partners, staff, volunteers, and self-employed contractors.
Ongoing support will also be provided to make sure that partners and staff are informed and confident to take appropriate preventative and responsive steps. Information, advice, and guidance for staff will be available and regularly updated through briefings at staff meetings and training interventions.
New members of staff, volunteers, or self-employed contractors will receive this training as part of their induction.
Those involved in recruitment are also required to complete Safer Recruitment Training, with details of this found in the safer recruitment policy.
Face to Face Training
Face-to-face training will be carried out by local safeguarding officers and will be appropriate to each specific business area. Regular safeguarding updates will also be provided to support the face-to-face training.
Designated safeguarding leads will attend an external Level 3 training course, and ensure this knowledge is refreshed every two years as a minimum.
The local safeguarding officers will also attend regular training and networking events with local authorities relating to safeguarding issues.
Code of Conduct
Within YTP we are fully committed to embedding a positive learning experience both socially and emotionally. Our staff welfare and protection are also of the highest standard. We expect all staff to have a professional approach and maintain working boundaries.
This includes:
The use of technology (laptops, mobile phones)
Staff and Student relationships
Social media sites
The use of technology (laptops, mobile phones)
Online Safety the use of technology has become a significant component of many safeguarding issues. Technology can provide a platform that facilitates harm, including child sexual exploitation, radicalisation, and sexual predation.
The breadth of issues classified within online safety is considerable but can be categorised into three main areas of risk: o content: being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material; for example pornography, fake news, racist or radical and extremist views; o contact: being subjected to harmful online interaction with other users; for example commercial advertising as well as adults posing as children or young adults; and o conduct: personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm; for example making, sending and receiving explicit images, or online bullying.
At YTP we will ensure that all who engaged with us are taught about online safety, including displaying posters to raise awareness in relevant areas and considering this aspect as part of a broad and balanced curriculum when appropriate.
YTP is committed to doing all that is reasonable to limit children and young people’s exposure from IT systems, which includes having appropriate filters and monitoring systems in place.
As technology evolves and changes rapidly, YTP will carry out constant reviews to ensure these systems remain up to date and appropriate.
Mobile phones are not permitted to be used during any of the YTPs programmes which include regulated activity with children.
This applies to all partners, employees, self-employed contractors, volunteers, and directors except for emergencies.
All partners, employees, self-employed contractors, volunteers, and trustees are responsible for ensuring this procedure is adhered to by parents and children when regulated activity is taking place. Local procedures will be detailed in specific operational policies at a local level.
All visitors to complete the sign-in book. Any visitors to the centre not expected will have their ID checked and clarification before being admitted. Staff going to other organisations must wear their YTP ID badge.
YTP believes that guest speakers can enrich our programmes and other areas of our business by adding depth and breadth to a range of subjects.
With this, it is YTPs policy that guest speakers should:
follow the same signing-in procedures as other visitors.
not be left alone with learners, children, young people, or vulnerable adults unless they have a current DBS which we have had sight of and logged.
have their views countered and balanced by our partners, employees, self-employed contractors, or volunteers should they have any extreme views, whether political or religious.
Curriculum – Embedding safeguarding.
Within YTP we adapt learning to meet all styles and have a delivery that supports all students to develop and progress meeting their mental, cultural, spiritual, physical, and moral needs. We promote safety and wellbeing while also:
Embedding teaching of self-protection and safety with technology.
Provide an understanding of boundaries and behaviour within relationships.
Promote and support self-esteem and interpersonal and communication skills.
British values are embedding in all courses.
Social responsibilities embedded in teaching and qualifications.
Partners, employees, self-employed contractors, and volunteers are required to familiarise themselves with this policy and procedure and always follow this.
If you have concerns about the welfare of a child, young person, or vulnerable adult and believe that they may be at risk, you must share that concern confidentially with a local safeguarding officer immediately. There should be no delay in sharing your concerns and should a local safeguarding officer or designated safeguarding lead not be available, this should not delay action.
Any information shared should always be accurate, up to date, and shared appropriately and securely with only the person or people who need to know and limited to information relevant for the purpose. If you have any doubts about when to share safeguarding information, discuss the situation with a local safeguarding officer, or the safeguarding lead at YTP, should the concern involve a partner safeguarding officer.
In the event there is a concern that relates to a designated safeguarding lead, you should report this directly to the Boards Safeguarding Lead at YTP.
Should there ever be a concern about a lead partner or managing director of a partner, one of YTPS staff or board, which you feel is severe enough to not be addressed internally there will be local Social Services departments available for you to contact. There will be local policies and procedures for different areas. In extreme circumstances, you may want to also consider informing the local police or the Charity Commission.
Everyone working in a regulated activity must read and familiarise themselves with Part 1 of the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2018).
If you feel that you could benefit from further training on safeguarding, then please contact YTP directly.
Direct Delivery
Staff is required to document any issues raised with their learners and keep a log of this using the Cause for Concern form, this will be stored with the learner's portfolio and the issue and actions taken will be recorded. This does not require reporting to the safeguarding lead unless it is then escalated to a safeguarding issue. If it is escalated, it must then be reported using the Safeguarding report form.
Ensure that YTP's safer recruitment practices are upheld, in line with the Recruitment Policy.
Support and encourage the completion of required Safeguarding Awareness Training.
Ensure all direct reports working in a regulated activity have read and familiarised themselves with Part 1 of the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2018).
Adopt YTPs culture of vigilance and lead by example.
The YTP Board
The Board of Directors and contract managers are responsible for understanding the nature of Safeguarding threats and risks within the partnership.
They will ensure that the Partnership effectively manage risks and can deal appropriately with safeguarding issues by:
creating an ethos that upholds core values of shared responsibility and wellbeing for all, while promoting respect, equality, and diversity and understanding
adopting stringent and transparent safeguarding practices which recognise, support, and protect individuals.
sharing information about safeguarding and good practice with other key partners and external agencies
providing training opportunities for partners, staff, self-employed contractors, and volunteers to enable them to continually update their safeguarding knowledge.
sharing information and concerns with agencies who need to know and ensuring we involve learners, parents, staff, and others appropriately.
providing effective management for partners, staff, self-employed contractors, and volunteers through supervision, support, and training.
Partnership Safeguarding Officers
The partners safeguarding officers support YTP’s approach to safeguarding at a local level for the subcontractors in line with this policy.
These roles take responsibility for safeguarding children, young people under 18 and vulnerable adults across the partnership. They provide advice and support to staff, volunteers, and self-employed contractors, and are responsible for liaising with statutory children’s services agencies and with the local safeguarding partners. Other responsibilities include:
Managing safeguarding issues and cases in their region or operation
Liaising with and making referrals to appropriate agencies about children, young people under 18, and vulnerable adults where there are safeguarding concerns, including the designated officer (previously LADO)
Managing referrals and liaises with other agencies, like the DBS or Police as required.
Ensuring that appropriate information is available at the time of a referral and that the referral is confirmed in writing, under confidential cover as quickly as possible (e.g., within a working day)
Keeping detailed, accurate, and secure written records of safeguarding concerns, where appropriate (i.e., include a chronology of concerns, referrals, meetings, phone calls, or emails) and submitting to YTP’s safeguarding lead who will update the internal risk register.
Recording incidents and actions, no matter how minor the incident.
Maintaining relationships with local safeguarding partners
Remaining familiar with local referral procedures and know how to contact and establish links with the local authority or police actively supporting YTP’s safeguarding approach and the implementation of action plans.
Ensuring the effective and consistent communication and embedding of safeguarding policies and practice within their organisation or operation.
Providing regular briefings and updates at staff meetings to ensure that all staff is kept up to date and regularly reminded of their responsibilities.
Ensuring that every member of the partnership has access to and understands YTP’s safeguarding policy.
Making sure that all partners, staff, self-employed contractors, and volunteers know how to raise concerns about people who are vulnerable or at risk of abuse and neglect.
Attending regular training and networking events relating to safeguarding issues
Ensuring that learners/service users and their parents/guardians/carers know where to go if they need support or have concerns about the behaviour of an employee, self-employed contractor, or volunteer.
Attending interviews for key roles involved in safeguarding within their operation.
Effectively dealing with any potential aftermath of an incident in the partnership
Maintaining awareness of vulnerable service users within their operation.
Encouraging a culture of listening to service users and embedding their views and wishes into policy and practice.
Ensuring that the reporting of issues is risk rated as follows:
o Red – the issue has been reported but not yet been dealt with
o Amber – the issue is currently being dealt with and is ongoing
o Green – the issue has been dealt with and no further action is required
Responding to concerns or disclosure of abuse
All Staff, visitors, contractors, volunteers, must use the concern/disclosure form to record and forward this to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL). It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that the concern/disclosure is recorded, and the DSL receives it. This must be reported immediately to prevent any harm from occurring. In the absence of the DSL then it must be forwarded to the deputy.
The safety of all individuals is paramount. Complete the Recording Form for Safeguarding, Child Protection and Prevent Disclosure. Anyone who has a safeguarding concern or Disclosure is required to complete this form and pass it to Designated Lead Safeguarding Officer within 24hrs.
Safeguarding Process
LA social worker contacts the DSL and takes appropriate action.
DLS monitors progress.
YTP staff and DSL maintain monitoring and review and re-refer if situations change putting the individual at further risk.
A Concern Arises
Report to the DSL within 24 hours
If not a concern (blue) rating, then monitoring is in place.
DSL monitors referral. (Social worker should be appointed within 1 working day.
DSL reports to the LA in the relevant area within 4 hours
BRAG Rating
Timescale to report to DSL
No sharing of information required as this can be resolved
Action is required immediately and evidence to be preserved. Welfare assistance may be needed, report to police may be required. Cause to suspect that a child or adult is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.
Immediately no longer than 4 hours for referral.
Concerns are present, take action to safeguard and prevent.
Within 24 hours
Intervention may be required, contacts to gather information and advice.
Within 72 hours
Record Keeping and Information sharing.
YTP will keep a record of all concern/disclosure forms with related body maps ad actions that have been taken. These will be stored in a secure location in line with General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and local authorities. The individuals’ views, wishes, and preferences will be central, and all records will be fact-based. Information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis and after each case is individually assessed.
YTP will not:
Put an individual at risk of harm.
Put an individual at increased risk of harm.
Delay enquiries that may put an individual at risk of harm.
Be bias or judgemental that may put an individual at harm or lead to prosecution.
At YTP is important you feel able to raise a complaint. Whistle Blowing is the reporting of unsafe or illegal practices in the workplace.
As an employee, you are protected by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 so long as:
Your disclosure is carried out in good faith.
You believe the information/allegation to be true.
You are not acting for personal gain.
In the first instance, the issue should be raised with your designated officer. It will be treated in a fair sensitive and confidential manner. Every effort will be made to provide regular feedback. There will be no victimisation of the discloser or anyone helping the discloser.
Covid-19 and Beyond
YTP will continue to raise any safeguarding concerns and appreciates that unique challenges may arise at this time. YTP recognises that people could have an increased risk of abuse, harm, and exploitation from a range of sources and will promote the welfare of staff and learners where possible.
Measures within the centre have been put into place to protect staff and visitors to the centre. Track and trace have been set up, hand sanitiser has been made available and visitors/staff are required to use this regularly to prevent the spread. Social distancing is in place and signs are in place to remind visitors of this.
YTP recognises several risk factors that have increased during this time:
Poverty – where families are struggling with poverty this can lead to abuse, neglect, and harm, this can be down to the stress or the inability to meet basic needs to provide for their family.
Support networks – have and can be affected, people who are abused often rely on these support networks therefore there must be a means of communication that can still be available to ensure vulnerable people are protected as much as possible.
Accommodation – can pose a challenge at this time either due to lack of space, temporary accommodation, and the increase in the requirement to work from home. This could prevent access to learning as there may not be the availability to use the tools required.
Abuse and harm – these are likely to increase although may not when working with pre-existing concerns however, the right questions must be asked during this period to identify any increase or new risk.
Domestic abuse – this can escalate when families face greater pressure, and the current situation will disrupt routines and behaviours. It is important to consider how previous ways of dealing with risk will no longer suffice and consider different ways of dealing with the posed risk. It is also important to note that the national order to stay at home during the COVID-19 outbreak does not apply to those at risk of domestic violence.
Substance abuse – it is important to recognise that people may become reliant on substances as these provide a form of escapism from the stresses and pressures caused by COVID-19, support should be in place, and concerns raised if this does become apparent.
Neglect – this may become a source of harm to a child and can be caused by people being isolated, this combined with the economic challenges can expose people to neglect therefore the right questions should be asked to identify any signs of neglect.
Children with additional needs – often find it difficult to communicate any problems therefore the right questions and forms of communication should be used to identify any underlying issues.
Exploitation – child exploitation and grooming can come in many forms however at this current time it is likely that this can increase online, therefore, the right online safety should be promoted to ensure that awareness is raised and to ensure clear boundaries are made when communicating online. colleges-and-other-providers/coronavirus-covid-19-safeguarding-in-schools- colleges-and-other-providers
Mental Health
YTP recognise mental health and wellbeing, people may feel anxious or worried about finances or health. Isolation may have impacted support networks.
Able Futures provides support to the people working and living with mental health difficulties, employers, and providers of apprenticeships.
Able Futures is a nationwide specialist partnership set up to provide the Access to Work Mental Health Support Service on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions.
Further information can be obtained from:
External Agencies:
Citizens Advice
Age UK
ACAS depression/Pages/improve-mental- wellbeing.aspx
NHS Choices
International Stress Management Association
Care Quality Commission
Care Quality Commission
Support Line Telephone Helpline: 01708 765200, email - Emotional support and information on counsellors and support groups throughout the UK.
NSPCC's general Helpline for adults 08088005000 Childline for children and young people 08001111
Childline for children and young people 08001111
Out of hours emergency phone 01302 796000 Safeguarding Adults Unit phone 01302 736296
Doncaster Council’s Adult Contact Team phone 01302 737391
Email: (Adult) (Children)
Referral Response Team 01302 737777 (Children)
SMS/text number (for people from the deaf community) 0797 903 1116 (to report a Safeguarding issue/concern)
Rotherham Rise 0330 2020571
Rotherham Women’s Refuge (Refuge – 0870 850 2247)
Adult Services 01709 822330
Children’s Social Care 01709 336080
Rotherham Safeguarding Board Tel: 01709 382121
Sheffield Safeguarding Adults Partnership 0114 273 4908
Adult Safeguarding 0114 2736870 partnership/
Sheffield Safeguarding Board Tel: 0114 273 4450
Adult Social Care 01226 773300
Emergency duty team 01226 787789
Child Assessment Services 01226 772423 Email:
East Riding Local Authority – Children 01482 395500 and Adult 01482 396940
Hull Local Authority – Children 01482 448879 and Adult 01482 616092 North Yorkshire Local Authority - Children & Adults 01609 534527
Responding to Abuse
Create a safe environment by offering the child a private and safe place if possible.
Stay calm and reassure the Individual and stress that he/she is not to blame.
Tell the individual that you know how difficult it must have been to confide in you.
Listen carefully.
Use the ‘tell me,’ ‘explain,’ ‘describe’ and/or mirroring strategy.
Tell the individual what you are going to do next.
Tell only the Designated or Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
Record in detail using the Welfare Concern Record without delay, using the child’s own words where possible.
Take photographs of any injuries.
Postpone or delay the opportunity for the student to talk.
Take notes while the student is speaking.
Ask the student to write an account. interview the student and try to investigate the allegation yourself.
Ask another adult to witness the disclosure.
Promise confidentiality e.g., say you will keep ‘the secret.’
Approach or inform the alleged abuser.